Businesses and organizations directory


Répertoire complet / All organizations & businesses registered




Cimetière Hillside Cemetary

Téléphone / Phone : 450 226-2746
Courriel / Email :

Cimetière Hillside inc. / Hillside Cemetary inc.
Information : Mrs. Penny Rose


Hillside Chapel

755 ch. du Village
Morin-Heights, Qc
J0R 1H0

Kingdom Hall - Salle du Royaume des témoins de Jéhovah

Téléphone / Phone : 450-226-1661

Trinity Anglican Church

Téléphone / Phone : 450-227-2180
757 chemin du Village, Morin-Heights

Adresse postale/Mailing address :
94 av. St-Denis
St-Sauveur, Qc
J0R 1R3

United Church

Téléphone / Phone : 450-226-2637
831 ch. du Village
Morin-Heights, Qc
J0R 1H0

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00