Fleurons du Québec Program

Fleurons du Québec

Despite an increase of over 80 points, the Municipality fell just 20 points shy of gaining its 4th fleuron during its eva­luation in July, 2013. The Municipality improved its evaluation in all five sections but of considerable note was a score of 144 out of a possible 160 points in the sustainable deve­lopment category. This is five fleuron status and speaks volumes about our combined environ­mental initiatives.

Our emphasis has been toward accentuating the natural beauty and charm of our municipality and regulations to help preserve our surroundings. The vast trail network combined with non-motorized activities along with shoreline regeneration,
erosion control and strong tree cutting management all played a part in the high score.

Another point of pride was the comment that many of our residences have gardens that merit 5 fleuron status. This is a testament to the many residents who take pride in landsca­ping their properties. Regardless of the classification, the tremendous improvements are enjoyed by everyone and if left to the opinion of the townspeople and the general public, we all agree we live in a very beautiful area.

Residents and businesses are invited to participate in the movement by highlighting the landscaping of their residence or business.

Fleurons Quebec website: www.fleuronsduquebec.com


Document list


Conseils pour le jardinage

Document PDF de 1.5 Mb

Horticulture ornementale: les bienfaits

Document PDF de 714.1 kb

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00

567, chemin du Village
Morin-Heights (Québec)
J0R 1H0

Telephone : 450 226-3232
Fax : 450 226-8786