Fire Safety


The Fire Department and First Responders

The Fire Department ensures the prevention and protection of civilian lives and assets.


First Responders (911)

The First Responders Service is provided by a group of firefighters from the Morin-Heights’s Fire Department and a few other civilians to complete the team.


Emergency measures

An emergency situation is defined as: "a situation caused by forces of nature, an accident, an intentional gesture or any other type of events, which constitutes a grave danger to life or property".

Here as some examples of situations, which can require emergency measures:

  • inundation, tornado, hurricane, ice storm;
  • epidemic and pandemic;
  • traffic accident;
  • hazardous material spill;
  • collapse of a building or structure;
  • uncontrollable fire, an explosion, forest fires;
  • Failure of an essential service (electricity, drinking water shortage).
  • Influenza pandemic
    Click here for more information on the Quebec plan to fight an influenza pandemic

Even by taking the best precautions, one cannot foresee all emergencies. However, one can prepare for such eventualities. It is why the Municipality of Morin-Heights has its own Public Safety plan which describes the implementation of measures in order to assist its population in case of disaster or emergency.
This emergency plan describes the step and measures to be put in place in various situations, such as:

  • Intervention plans for emergency services (police, fire fighters, paramedics);
  • Evacuation plan;
  • Opening of accommodation centers;
  • Supply of water and food;
  • Call in other support service for the victims;
  • A plan to reintegrate the premises;
  • Any other required measure to ensure the safety of persons and their possessions.

The municipal authorities declare an emergency when they deem it necessary. In case the state of emergency is declared, the Municipality is ready to assign intervention tasks to all the municipal employees and to request collaboration from rescue organisations and volunteers from community organisations.

Despite the presence of this army of volunteers, you can play an essential role as a person in protecting your life and the life of your loved ones. The best way to protect yourself is to know what to do. In this section of the web site, you will find practical advice to help you prepare for emergencies. You can also visit the government’s web site section on What to Do Before, During and After a Disaster?
To learn more on the organisation for Public Safety in Quebec, consult the Ministère de la Sécurité civile’s web site

Other links


Police Protection

Sûreté du Québec is responsible for public safety in Morin-Heights. They are dispatched from the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut’s station, which has also jurisdiction over St-Sauveur, Estérel, Ste-Marguerite as well as the municipalities of St-Adolphe d’Howard, Wentworth-Nord, and Lac-des-Seize-Isles.


Animal control

All dog caretakers or dog owners must purchase a dog license annually.


Neighbourhood Watch

Theme: Break-ins

Target clientele: Neighbourhood residents

Key partners:

  • Insurance Bureau of Canada
  • Municipal police departments


  • Reduce residential break-ins
    - Inform citizens about preventing break-ins and encourage them to take responsibility in this matter
  • Provide a range of promotion and information tools to facilitate the program’s implementation and the creation of committees
  • Inform citizens about how break-ins can be prevented by applying simple safety rules that they often already know
  • Break down the isolation of certain neighbourhood residents
  • Demonstrate the need for mutual assistance among citizens
  • Encourage citizens to report suspects or suspicious situations to the police rapidly and precisely

(More from government web site...)


Sûreté du Québec

Public Safety - Sûreté du Québec

The Sûreté du Québec, national police, operates throughout the entire province, to maintain peace and public order, preservation of life, security, protection of property and human rights. The SQ also supports its own community, coordinates major police operations.


The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00