
Online Forms

The following forms can be filled out online:

Automated Emergency Calling System
(You will be redirected to CITAM’s web page - does not work with Internet Explorer)


General Management


Organizations - Financial assistance 2025

Dynamic form, can be filled out online and printed afterwards.
Document PDF de 1.8 Mb

Request for access to documents

Document PDF de 144.6 kb

Recreation, Culture and Community Life


Course Offer

Document PDF de 986 kb

Demande de bourse - Mérite sportif 2022-2023

Document PDF de 273.4 kb

Demande de bourse - Mérite sportif 2022-2023 (formulaire abrégé pour l’an deux)

Document PDF de 268.7 kb

Family Policy - Sports Activity Reimbursement (in French)

Hockey, skating, baseball, swimming. Dynamic form, can be filled out online and printed.
Document PDF de 1.9 Mb

Town Planning and Environment


Accessory Building

Document PDF de 152.3 ko

Analyse sommaire d’une demande formelle d’intervention dans un cours d’eau (MRC)

Summary analysis of a request to intervene in a waterway
Document PDF de 80.3 ko

Change of Status or Occupation Type of a Building

Document PDF de 77.1 ko

Colportage et sollicitation (French only)

Document PDF de 148.5 ko

Complaint and Request

Document PDF de 90.9 ko

Connection to the Municipal Aqueduct

Document PDF de 187.3 ko

Construction de rue

Document PDF de 236 ko

Culvert and Driveway Construction

Document PDF de 668.5 ko

Déclaration de travaux d’aménagement ou d’entretien dans un cours d’eau (MRC)

Request for an authorization to work within the shoreline or in the waterway
Document PDF de 80.5 ko

Dérogation mineure (French only)

Document PDF de 709 ko

Demande formelle d’intervention dans un cours d’eau (MRC)

Formal request to intervene in a waterway
Document PDF de 81.2 ko

Demolition or Relocation of a Building

Document PDF de 196.2 ko

Excavation or Backfill

Document PDF de 130.6 ko

Fence, Decorative Wall or Hedge

Document PDF de 139.3 ko

Main Building Extension

Document PDF de 108.2 ko

New Construction - Residential

Document PDF de 190.9 ko

Non-Residential Occupancy or Activity

Document PDF de 156.1 ko

Permanent Sign

Document PDF de 150.8 ko

PIIA - Opération cadastrale majeur et rue (French only)

Document PDF de 172.1 ko


Document PDF de 145.9 ko

Présence d’un barrage de castors (MRC)

Presence of a beaver dam
Document PDF de 93.2 ko

Présence d’une embâcle (MRC)

Presence of a blockade
Document PDF de 93.1 ko

Renovation, Balcony, Patio or Veranda

Document PDF de 187.2 ko

Septic System and Artesian Well

Document PDF de 204.1 ko

Tree Removal or Felling

Document PDF de 167.8 ko

Waterfront Intervention and Dock Construction

Document PDF de 131.3 ko

Zoning By-law Amendment or Land Use Change

Document PDF de 93 ko

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00