Residual Materials

Do you have a broken bin or issues with collection?
Thank you for filling out the online form (French only).

Collection calendar and information on residual materials

***As of September 2024, we compost in bulk or in paper bags***

Waste collection sectors map

Waste collection calendar sector 3-green 2024-2025

Waste collection calendar sector 2-yellow 2024-2025

Accepted items reminder

The Ecocentre, located in Saint-Sauveur, is available to Morin-Heights residents.

Please consult the Ecocentre’s schedule.

Please note the Ecocentre no longer accepts branches.
You may chip the branches or request a burning permit.

Thank you for your understanding.

Detailed information regarding waste collection for the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut


Photo Galleries


Document list



Avis concernant les bacs roulants pour les matières résiduelles
Notice concerning wheeled bins for residual materials (French only)
Document PDF de 215.6 kb

Collection schedule 2024-2025 GREEN sector 3

Document PDF de 169.1 kb

Collection schedule 2024-2025 YELLOW sector 2

Document PDF de 169.3 kb

L’écocentre / The ecocentre

(French only)
Document PDF de 766.5 kb

Municipal organic waste collection

Food and green residues
Document PDF de 438.4 kb

New at the Ecocentre : Polystyrene collection!

(French only)
Document PDF de 88.3 kb

Waste Collection Sectors Map

Document PDF de 698.9 kb

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00