The Directeur général is the communication link between the Council, the various municipal departments, commissions, and committees. He or she plans, coordinates and organizes the actions required to follow up on the council’s priorities and objectives.
The Director of Finances and Administration makes sure of that public money is soundly managed.
This section contains useful information regarding tax rates and terms of payment.
According to An Act respecting duties on transfer of immovables, every Municipality in the province must collect duties on the transfer of any immovable property.
Real estate evaluation falls under the jurisdiction of the Municipalité Régionale de Comté (MRC), according to An Act concerning Municipal Taxation. The MRC des-Pays-d’en-Haut has mandated Évimbec, a firm of accredited appraisers.
A municipality is governed by Laws and By-laws enacted by the Quebec government. All financial documents are prepared and submitted to the Ministère des Affaires Municipales et Régions.
Jurisdiction of the Municipal Court
The Ste-Adèle Municipal Court has jurisdiction over Morin-Heights.
If you claim having suffered any damages following an incident for which you wish to claim to the Municipality, you must submit a writtten request to the municipal Director General at the Municipality.