The environment dossier is assigned to the Town Planning, Environment and Development of the Territory Department. In 2022, the Municipality adopted an Environmental and Transition Policy. You can consult it here.
The Town Planning Department is responsible for applying the Town Planning by-laws and for issuing permits in regards to the environment. Its mandate ranges from making sure the municipal by-laws and provincial regulations are followed with regards to drinking water supply, wells, septic installations, tree cutting, protection of wetlands and all bodies of water.
To request a permit, please print, complete, and return the appropriate form to the Municipal office or by e-mail the Town PLanning and Environment Department with the required documents.
It is mandatory to obtain a permit for drilling a well, for a new or replacement septic installation, work near shorelines, and/or on wetlands, etc.
Do not hesitate to contact the Town Planning, Environment and Development of the Territory Department for more information. If permits are required for work you wish to do on your property, you must submit a written request before starting any work.
Visit the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la faune’s website (MRNF) to learn about how to aquire an authorization for the realization of your projects near the shoreline.
Neighbour disputes also fall under this department.
Environment bulletins published by the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut