The Local Heritage Council was created in 2021 to enable the Municipality to exercise its powers under the Quebec Cultural Heritage Act.
The Local Heritage Council is composed of three (3) to five (5) permanent members, each with voting rights, including one Council member and two (2) to four (4) residents of the Town, appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council.
The Council members are Michelle Prévost (president), James Jackson, Monique Laforest, Christiane Lefebvre, Peter MacLaurin (municipal councillor) and Karyne Bergeron (secretary).
At the request of the municipal council, the local council studies and submits, in the form of a formal resolution, briefs and recommendations on any matter relating to cultural heritage and the application of the Cultural Heritage Act, in the areas of jurisdiction devolved to municipalities.
The LHC must receive and hear representations made by any interested person following notices given under sections 123, 129 and 130 of the Cultural Heritage Act.
The local council may also propose initiative mandates to the municipal council.
The LHC must receive and hear representations made by any interested person following notices given under the Cultural Heritage Act.
The Local Heritage Council also deals with all matters relating to local cultural heritage, analyzing requests for citation or itself proposing to cite certain elements.