Branch 171 represented at historic ceremony

Major General Lewis MacKenzie was the guest of honour at the 50th Anniversary Reunion Dinner of the Martian Ski Club held at Mont St. Sauveur on March 27. After an informal reception, a piper in full highland dress led General Mackenzie and the distinguished guests to their places on the stage.

After introductions, and an address by General MacKenzie, he presented a plaque to Mont St. Sauveur International President Louis Dufour. The plaque is dedicated to the 1,500 Canadian soldiers who were killed in the battle for Hill 70, overlooking Lens, France in August 1917.

The new plaque, initiated by the Martian Ski Club, will be permanently installed in Pavillon 70 at Mont. St. Sauveur so that future generations of skiers will know of the sacrifices made so long ago by these young soldiers on their behalf. At the reunion and plaque presentation, the Morin Heights Legion #171 was represented by President John Watchorn and WW2 veteran Gerald Mahony.


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