Administration municipale
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Event(s) on 5 July 2024


Other event(s) to come this month


Council Sitting

Municipal democracy manifests itself during Council meetings. The elected officials meet as a council representing the population, and as its representatives, they make decisions on the direction and action priorities of the town.

The ordinary sessions of the Council typically take place on the second Wednesday of each month (see calendar for exceptions) at 19:30 at the Chalet Bellevue, located at 27 rue Bellevue. See the Council meetings calendar below for dates.

Agendas and minutes are available on the municipal website, and video recordings of Council meetings are posted on YouTube, usually the next day.

Special meetings can be called at any time to deal with the urgent matters stated in the convocation notice. No other subjects can be discussed except if all the Council members are present and only with their unanimous consent.

Council meetings are public, and a question period is reserved at the end of each session for those present.

The Councillors are using laptops to reduce the use of paper during sessions.


Document list


Séances du conseil 2025 council meetings

Document PDF de 1.1 Mb

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00